Movie information
Title: Stepsister (ep.1-2)
Year: 2000
Genre: Anime / Hentai
Director: Masato Yura
Released: Selen/Discovery/Mooky Animation/Studio Blue/Anime 18/Central Park Media, Japan
Duration: 00: 57: 09
Language: Original
About the thin skin:
Based on a game by SELEN.
A renown painter dies of centre disease while being married with Megumi,
a woman much younger than he is. His son, Kyosuke, none liked that union and Megumi wants out of the house.
Therefore proposes that Kyosuke Megumi be hentai gay bondage videos possible to do anything he wants with her daughter, Yuna
Kyosuke's sister-in-formula, if he allows them to stay. Naturaly, Kyosuke accepts.
Quality: DVDRip
Format: AVI
Play fulness: 00:57:09.326 (103919 frames)
Video: 640x480 (1.33:1), 30.303 e hentai fps hentai hentai incest gangbang, Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec V2 ~1337 kbps avg, 0.14 mite/pixel
Audio: 44.100 kHz, MPEG Layer 3, 2 ch, ~191.71 kbps avg
File dimensions: 629.9 MB